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Results for 'Period Xarelto Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Pulmonary Embolism'

I am taking Xarelto. Diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. Can I safely take olive oil?

Have stopped smoking cold turkey after 30 years. Now at age 70, I am trying to eat smarter. The diagnosis of the pulmonary embolism,... read more

Has anyone experienced a PE while on Xarelto?

I have been on Xarelto since switching from Cumadin a month ago and about a week ago I had sharp pains in my chest then three days ago I had... read more

How does Xarelto work?

Eliquis and Xarelto, feeling super tired and dizzy. How long until side effects are totally gone?

Hello, due to a pulmonary embolism 2 years ago I was on Xarelto and now changed about 1 week ago to Eliquis. First half year I... read more

How do you reverse bleeding with Xarelto?

Xarelto vs Eliquis: How do they compare?

Switching from Eliquis to Xarelto: What do I need to know?

Why switch from Eliquis to Xarelto? How do I switch from Eliquis to Xarelto?

I would like to go on a fast for religious reasons but I know that Xarelto in the 15 and 20mg...

... strengths requires food to bond with to be safe and effective. If I added a couple of tablespoons of avocado or MCT oils would that be enough for... read more

Top 6 Eliquis Side Effects: What You Need to Know in Depth

Has anyone been recommended to take Xarelto for three months only to treat DVT in leg?

I am a 40 year old female with no genetic predisposition for blood clots. On 9/4/16 I had a sclerotherapy to treat varicose veins on my left calf and... read more

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