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Results for 'Pain Potassium Chloride Swelling Potassium'

Potassium Chloride - I had potassium given to me in a IV . It burned badly, it's been a week now?

... since the IV and I have some swelling and pain on my hand where the IV was placed. Why am I still experiencing swelling and... read more

Potassium Chloride/Sodium Chloride - What actions does the manufacturer recommend the nurse take?

... when administering potassium chloride IV and the client complains of severe burning pain in the extremity in which it... read more

Why can't you lay down after taking a potassium?

Just genuine curiosity... I have a perscription for a potassium supplement, and the is a warning label the side that say, "Do not... read more

Can Potassium Citrate cause leg crams and muscel spasims?

I started to pass uric acid kidney stones about 5 weeks ago. I am still passing small orange stones. My Dr put me on Potassium Citrate... read more

Can you eat bananas when taking losartan?

Can potassium citrate cause bloating and gas?

Every night after I take the medicine I get blotted stomach and lots of gas.

Can I take half tablet of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium 625?

Hello im 20 years old girl. I don't know if im allergic to penicillin. Jst to check it out can i take small amount of amoxicillin and... read more

What medications can affect potassium levels?

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