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Results for 'Lexapro Prozac Escitalopram Fluoxetine Generic'

Taking Fluoxetine (generic Prozac) at night instead of the morning?

Okay, another thing I'm contemplating is trying to take my Fluoxetine at night instead of the morning. I did this also when I was taking... read more

Prozac - What is it like going back on fluoxetine after being off for a year?

I am contemplating going back on fluoxetine after being off of it for a little over a year. When I went off Fluox (40mg) I started taking... read more

Should I Feel Worrisome Taking Fluoxetine "Generic For Prozac" 20mg Once A Day?

When my doctor prescribed this to me it was because of my anxiety which is chronic"Everyday All Day I've Got Anxiety" For about 5... read more

Is it better to take the brand Lexapro or the generic Escitalopram?

I'm currently taking the generic Escitalopram 20mg (1 1/2 week so far) with 2mg of Risperdal. Nothing's happening. I read... read more

Heavily sedated on escitalopram (Lexapro). Advice please?

I've now completed 4 weeks on generic escitalopram (1 week @5mg, 3 weeks @10mg, all taken in the morning). I'm struggling... read more

How should you feel when taking 40mg of fluoxetine (Prozac)?

I've been on generic Prozac for around 4-5 months I started with 10mg and slowly moved up to 40mg. I take it for anxiety and panic... read more

SSRI’s vs SNRI’s - What's the difference between them?

Escitalopram - Generic Lexapro or name brand?

Hi there. My doctor prescribed me generic Lexapro (escitalopram) for mild situational depression and generalized anxiety. I have... read more

Which generic versions of Lexapro (escitalopram) are closest to the real thing?

Hello everyone, I recently took generic Lexapro (escitalopram) for 3 1/2 weeks in an effort to deal with panic attacks and... read more

Escitalopram - Switch from Lexapro brand to generic?

Long story short. I’ve been on Brand necessary Lexapro for 10 years. I’ve paid for the brand at the jnsurNce company’s... read more

Has anyone tried the generic escitalopram (Lexapro) now available?

I started taking the generic manufactured by Mylan and had severe headaches. Had to stop. Has anyone else experienced this?

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