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Results for 'Esophageal Disease Lichen Planus'

Ive been diagnosed with Oral Lichen Planus & prescribed Fluocinonide 0.05% gel?

which I'm to swab on either side of my tongue. He says its safe for oral use. Is this true?

My doctor says a biopsy is not necessary. She is positive I have Oral Lichen Planus. Thoughts?

My dentist sent me for a biopsy, but the Dental Hospital said not needed as it is obvious what I have?

Is Dupixent used to treat lichen planus?

I can't take steroids because I have osteoporosis. I have flare ups of lichen planus every few years and I currently have it on my... read more

Is Diprolene available over-the-counter (OTC)?

Diprolene: AF vs Augmented vs Regular - What does this mean?

Is triamcinolone acetonide an antifungal cream?

My gastro doc has perscribed Baclofen ( a muscule relaxer) for esophageal spasms. I do think I may?

... have had at least one of these spasms during a severe gerd attack. But due to also having been diagnosed with costochondritis (inflamation of the... read more

Diprolene - What is used for on legs or stomach?

I mean I really don't know how it's used on the body

Can you buy Luxiq foam over-the-counter (OTC)?

Has anyone experience significant hair loss w/Predisone?

I took it for oral erosive lichen planus (autoimmune in origin). It is diagnosed by a dentist, but treated by a dermatologist. The... read more

Esophageal Spasm - I have a lump in my throat and chest pain 24-7 from my esophageal muscle spasms?

what is the best medication and is the lump and pain normal to stay continous Thanks

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