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Results for 'Depression Propranolol Venlafaxine Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Doctor Medication Migraine Prevention Migraine Prophylaxis Anxiety and Stress Generalized Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder'

Is Propranolol affecting my Venlafaxine?

I have a question about depression medications. I have had major depression (and OCD) for over 15 years, and most Serotonin Reuptake... read more

Propranolol for seizures and or migraine?

Has anyone used propranolol for seizures and or migraines and if so what doses and how effective?

Venlafaxine - I'm sure similar questions are asked all the time.

Thing is -- I'm getting conflicting info from my doctor and what I'm seeing ALL OVER the next concerning titration. Any experts or... read more

Zoloft isn't working PLZ HELP!! I have OCD, BPD, Situat/General Anxiety, Claustrophob, Depression?

I am new to this support group but not to the? sight, I usually come here to compare meds and do some of my research, however I NEED to reach out and... read more

Effexor - I'm extremely tired after taking Venlafaxine 150mg in the morning I would like to try?

... taking it in the evening but wondering if I'll have withdrawal effects changing the time of day??

Why am I feeling worse after initially feeling better?

Hi I am on day 43 ( six weeks) of taking sertraline. The first week I started on 25mg and had no side effects at all. A week later my doctor... read more

Been on prozac 20mg for 2weeks. I am falling asleep mid day. Anyone else experience this ?

I have since changed the TIME of day I take my SSRI from morning to night didn't work- i fell asleep at 11 am, woke because i HAD to at 2 pm.... read more

How long do venlafaxine withdrawal symptoms last?

Why am I not getting better with sertraline help?

I have been on sertraline just over 5 weeks I started on 50mg and went to 100mg two weeks ago, at the moment my anxiety is so so... read more

Zoloft initially raise anxiety, then anxiety subside?

Anyone that has a panic disorder/major depressive disorder/OCD... begin Zoloft only to have the... read more

Those of you that take venlafaxine,how long did it take you to start noticing marked positive...

... effects from the drug? Also, at which dose did you notice those marked effects? Thanks!

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