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Results for 'Cloderm Herpes Zoster'

Hi, I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. I am a little upset. I found some pills in?

... an old coat tucked in our closet. The pills turned out to be Acyclovir. I found on here it is used to treat Herpes virus. Does that mean... read more

Herpes Zoster - I am looking for an effective medication to relieve pain of shingles?

I have had shingles for 8 weeks. I took Valtrex at the onset. I am using a cream compounded by local pharmacy, plus lidocaine , ibuprofen,... read more

Can the shingles vaccine cause a genital herpes outbreak?

I got my vaccine on a Friday, felt headachy and rundown all weekend. By Tuesday I was getting an outbreak. I hadn't had one in a pretty long... read more

Shingrix - Shingles/Shingrex Vaccine?

I'm reading all the comments on the Shingrex vaccine. Trying to decide what to do. I've never had any reaction to a vaccine but I had a... read more

Herpes Zoster - can you use prednisone for shingles relief?

was told that prednisone was very good for shingles, can you tell me should we ask doctor for prescription or is there something new my husband is in... read more

I found a prescription for Valtrex in my boyfriend's name. We've been together for several months &?

... I've never noticed any warts or genital sores, & He "Claims" his dermatologist prescribed it for his face! He doesn't get... read more

What dosage of lysine is best for herpes outbreaks?

I am just starting to take l-lysine as a friend suggested it. I am two weeks into shingles, started getting two cold sores and a terrible sty on the... read more

Substitute for acyclovir?

Diagnosed with Herpes (Shingles) of the inner ear. Pain unbearable. Anyone else had this?

The Dr. states he can not do anything but put me the viral medication daily, but I keep on having these out breaks

Can I take amoxillion for shingles will it help?

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