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Results for 'Bupropion Lithium Side Effect Weight Obesity Bipolar Disorder Depression Panic Disorder'

Is weight gain a common side effect of lithium?

I've worked so hard to lose weight.; I fear that when I start taking the lithium I will gain it all back. I've been taking... read more

Are thier any anti depressants that don't cause weight gain?

I've been taking Bupropion for depression (as well as lithium) as it seems like the only drug that does not cause me to... read more

Can lithium cause symptoms like hypomania as a discontinuation side effect in someone w/o bipolar?

I don't have bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, but when i forget my meds for a day or longer i get symptoms like decreased... read more

Haloperidol - Does haldol cause weight gain?

I have been on lithium but now haldol for bipolar with mania and schizoaffective. Was on zyprexa in past and just lost all the... read more

Does latuda weight gain ever stop?

I have gained 35 lbs in just over 7 months on Latuda. I also take Vivactil 10mg and Lithium 100mg daily. I have just tried Saphris with no... read more

Lithium - I drink a gallon of water a day, will this intake dilute the effect of lithium?

I am going to ask my two psychiatrists that I work with about this, but I'm curious to see what you think. I walk briskly 4 miles in an hour... read more

Does bupropion typically cause weight loss or gain?

A month in on bupropion, tremors still? Cause for concern?

I am at the one month mark to the day on Bupropion 300 xl (started much smaller of course) and though most of the side effects have... read more

Oral mouth swab drug test results if taking these medications.

Can taking Ativan and sertraline together cause an oral mouth swab to register for any form of amphetamines. What will the results show on a drug... read more

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