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Results for 'BuSpar Anxiety'

Buspar dosing and anxiety concern. I have been nauseated and woozy after increased dose?

I was recently prescribed buspar due to an onset of major panic attacks while driving. My doctor said take 7.5 MG 2x daily for first week and... read more

How long will BuSpar take to work?

I suffer from extreme anxiety, it effects me physically. I'm not depressed I just feel like I'm... walking on pins and needles. I... read more

Buspar - Worse anxiety in first two weeks, typical?

This is my tenth day on Buspar (12.5mg, split into 3 doses). Is it typical to have worsening anxiety symptoms at this stage? On a... read more

Buspar?? How long before it worked? Did you experience more anxiety on it?

Just took my first dose today 5mg two times a day. Feeling way more anxious then ever. Also had trouble sleeping last night so that prob affected my... read more

Buspar for sleep Anyone take buspar once a day at bedtime for sleep..possibly with melantonin?

I am taking 150mg xr of Effexor in the morning... helps with all sorts of anxiety shrink said continue on 0.5 mg of Xanax 3 times a day...... read more

Best way to Take Buspar?

Up until now I've only taken SNRIs for anxiety, but did not like side effects so doc wants to try Buspar. What she said and what... read more

Has anyone compared their reaction to Buspar and hydroxyzine for moderate anxiety?

Have tried both and stopped. Had uncomfortable dry mouth after 2 weeks on buspirone so I stopped taking it. Does the dry mouth go away the longer you... read more

Klonopin v Buspar?

My current doctor will not prescribe me klonopin and put me on Buspar instead. Compared to taking 1mg klonopin 3 times daily to 15mg twice... read more

How safe is it to take Buspar for a long period of time?

I guess what I am asking is this: Is Buspar safe to take long-term, as antidepressants are safe to take long-term, for years, effectively? How... read more

I need an alternative to Buspar?

I am a menieres disease patient. The doctor has had me at maximum dosage of Valium at 10 mgs. 4 times per day. He has begun a reduction in the Valium... read more

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