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Results for '5-HTP Ativan Klonopin Lamictal Seroquel Anxiety Depression'

Is 5-HTP safe with Klonopin and Seroquel 30-60 minutes before taking 5-HTP?

I'm repeating this with change to conversation rather than one answer. Thought maybe somebody would see it and answer if I changed to... read more

Can you take 5 HTP with Seroquel and Klonopin?

5-HTP - What can I take along with 5 htp for depression and high anxiety?

I've had bad experiences with anti-depressants and anxiety medications and want to try a more natural method. I've taken 5... read more

5-HTP - Can I combine this with Seroquel?

I am bipolar and on Seroquel 300mg. Would 5-HTP help or hinder me and would in interact with my medication?

5-HTP - Can I take 5 htp with adderall?

I currently take adderall and have taken 5 htp in the past. I feel like I need a temporary boost for fighting anxiety and mild... read more

What is the risk of developing diabetes from Seroquel?

I would like to know the percentage of people who have increased risk of developing diabetes related to taking Seroquel. I am being tested for... read more

Sexual side effects of SEROQUEL in men?

I take 40mg of Paxil, 2mg of Klonopin and 300mg of Seroquel XR (due to the regular Seroquel samples no longer being offered and... read more

Why is 5-HTP causing my kidneys to hurt?

I've been taking 5-htp for about a week, and ever since I started taking it, my kidneys have been sore. I can't find any... read more

Changing from Ativan to Klonopin?

Currently on 3 mg Ativan while getting on 10 mg Celexa. Not handling the anxiety. My doctor is thinking of changing me to... read more

I'm scared to take my Klonopin?

I was just started on 1 mg of Klonopin because I was having adverse side effects of Ativan. Ativan did the exact opposite of... read more

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