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Results for 'Valium Pain Fibromyalgia Diazepam Chronic Muscle Chronic Myofascial Pain'

Acetazolamide for vestibular migraines?

I have been prescribed acetazolamide and amitriptyline for a new diagnosis of vestibular migraine (without headache). I am not 100% that this... read more

Got Neuropathy? Stinging burning pain? Ideopathic Neuropathy? Get Amitriptyline!?

Hi all neuropathy pain patients, diabetics with neuropathy and Fibromyalgia patients, I've actually gotten some relief from... read more

I was prescribed Ibuprofen and Valium for back pain & I have tramadol - can I take together?

I was wondering should I take the ibuprofen and valium in the morning and then take the tramadol and valium at night for the... read more

Mixing muscle relaxers together for muscle pain?

Is it safe to mix baclofen, tizanidine and methocarbamol? I am going through chemo and suffering from extreme pain throughout my body.... read more

Is Valium from all those benzos the 'safest' ?

Most people 'adults'either know or have heard of Valium,but when asked about other benzodiazepines,they hesitate,may know one or... read more

Diazepam - I am prescribed 2 mg of diazepam to be taken three times a day?

I have been trying to only take 4 mg a day and take 2 mg when I get up and then 1/2 in the early afternoon and 1/2 in the early evening. My anxiety... read more

Will diazepam stop me getting an erection?

I may be struggling to get an erection is it the pregabalin causing this problem and if I take valium on top of pregabelin will this stop me... read more

Why would diazepam show up as oxazepam on a urine drug screen?

I took a drug test two months ago, I was prescribed Valium 5mg at the time. They sent it to the lab and the paperwork came back as Oxazepam. I... read more

What is the best generic manufacturer of diazepam?

Hi everyone, I’m currently taking generic Valium, the Mylan 10 mg tablets. I still have quite a bit of anxiety so I’m wondering... read more

Is it safe to take valium and oxycodone together?

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