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Results for 'Neurontin Night Sweats Hyperhidrosis'

Has anyone had night sweats & trouble staying asleep while taking Cymbalta & Wellbutrin or Pristiq?

Doctor is recommending I switch to Pristiq bc of side effects of Cymbalta and Wellbutrin.For years I have had night sweats and trouble... read more

Can headaches be a side effect of progesterone?

Now takiing: Biest/Progesterone (BiPr) 25mg, 1 tablet, 2x/day, for night sweats & hot flashes. Dr.was saying too little... read more

Lexapro makes me feel spaced out?

Hello. I have never asked a question on here and I have been going through a pretty rough time. So I was originally on Cymbalta and buspar for about... read more

Is excessive sweating a sign of heart disease?

Best drug for hot flashes?

I have been on sertraline for years and never get much relief. What would you recommend for drenching flashes and night sweats besides... read more

Does anyone stay up half the night from taking neurontin?

I started taking neurontin about week ago, every night I toss and turn and dont seem to be able to fall asleep, then when I do, I sleep... read more

Fluvoxamine - Does Luvox cause you to sweat more?

I have been on Luvox for almost 3 weeks now for panic/ anxiety disorder. I have been calmer since taking it but the past couple of nights I have been... read more

Neurontin/gabapentin - have any of you adjusted to the side effects? It's working, though!!?

Hi gang! My neuropathy has been Hair-On-Fire painful since the end of 2009, maybe earlier, to the point where Cemeteries looked comfortable, just... read more

Cymbalta - weight gain,head sweats & restless legs at night are theses side effects?

Would luv some answers thanks

Methyl prednisone pack cause chills and sweats?

1st day of pack and having chills and sweats. Why? And should I be concerned. I’ve only took 4 pills of 6. Should I discontinue?

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