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Results for 'Lyrica Pain Neuralgia Side Effect'

What are other options instead of Lyrica? Does Lyrica really cause weight gain?

I had 3 back surgeries in 1 month due to disc herniation L4 L5 and narrowing of spinal canal where nerves travel. The first surgery wasn't... read more

Does Ketamine’s therapy work?

I have been living with chronic pain for over 20 years. It’s a struggle to get a Dr. to understand and believe you. I’m in... read more

Long term side effects of Lyrica and tramadol for pain management in fibromyalgia?

I am a fibromyalgia sufferer in Australia and have been diagnosed 3+ years ago and am now aged 59. I take a myriad of medications and have had to... read more

How important is it to wean off Lyrica slowly?

My 18 year old daughter has been on 150mg of Lyrica 3x a day for 2 months for nerve pain in her foot after a stingray injury and 2... read more

How fast did your trigeminal neuralgia come on and what do you think caused it?

How fast did your pain start, especially if it was severe? My trigeminal neuralgia came on severely within 2 days. The pain was... read more

How long does it take for Lyrica to take effect for nerve pain?

I have nerve pain and my Dr. just prescribed Lyrica. I was wondering how long is it before I will notice any relief from the... read more

For pain with Lyrica, which one? 150 mg x 2 times versus 100 mg x 3 times per day?

I understand people split up the doses like that due to the side effects like fatigue. What If 100 mg is not relieving pain for the... read more

Lyrica recommended dose for high pain?

My cousing diagnosed with fibro. and take this pill 150mg at evening 7 pm for 2 months but did not affected, not doctor raised to 225mg , I just read... read more

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