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Results for 'Abilify Depression Major Depressive Disorder Weight'

Lamictal + Abilify?

I'm 46- dealt with depression my whole life and at 19 had a psychotic break/manic episode and then diagnosed BP 1. I refused to take the... read more

Is Abilify known to help with confusion or feeling as though you have a foggy head?

I'm wondering if Abilify helps with confusion or forgetfulness. Sometimes people call it a foggy brain which is how it feels for me.... read more

How long does the zombie like side effect of Abilify take to go away?

I started taking Tegretol 2 weeks ago (100mg am & 200pm pm), and now my doctor has added Abilify 2mg in the morning... I'm only on... read more

Neurologist took me off 5 mg Abilify I have been taking for over 10 yrs as an add on to cymbalta?

Please help. Abilify stopped to try to stop restless leg syndrome. Going through terrible withdrawal from abilify... anxiety,... read more

Doctor wants me to take Abilify with my Cipralex?

I am currently on 40mg of Cipralex. Lately it has not been working as good as it has been. My doctor wants me to start a low does of Abilify.... read more

I just started Lexapro and Wellbutrin to help for major depression. Anyone else on this combo?

I was on 60mg of Cymbalta and 5 mg of Abilify for major depression for many years. I am a 49 year old female and hated the... read more

Resistant depression; how long does it take for Abilify to kick in?

Hi guys, I am currently on Wellbutrin XR 150 mgs twice a day & celexa 40 mgs. I just started the 25mgs of Lamictal yesterday. However, I wanted... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Would usage of antipsychotics (Abilify, Risperdal, Thorazine) cause long-lasting harm to a 8yr old?

That eight year old was me, decades ago. I took about 45 different antipsychotics and various meds of that type between ages of 7-17. They were used... read more

How long does it take for side effects of Abilify to wear off?

I started 10 mg of Abilify last night. I did not sleep well and woke up with nausea, vomiting, sweating, fatigue and more anxiety. If I stop... read more

A good drug for energy and motivation?

I'm on Cymbalta 30mg and Abilify 5mg, and while this barely gets me by, I was looking for something that would give me some energy and... read more

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