Dear All,

My daughter 9 yrs old has been identified with double scoliosis 50 degree at the bottom and 65 degree at the top. Out of this 65 degree at the top, doctors say that 50 degree curvature is fixed component and the balance 15 degree curvature is the flexible component. I came across a new surgery for scoliosis with the device called Scoli – Tether (MISCOLI) introduced by National University Hospital, Singapore in the year 2010. Kindly let me know whether this technology of scoliosis surgery using Scoli - Tether (MISCOLI) has been successful and if there are any children on whom this Scoli - Tether (MISCOLI) has been used and proven as successful.

Kindly let me know whether this kind of severe 65 degree curvature of spine at the top and 50 degree curvature at the bottom can be corrected thru extensive and aggressive YOGA or any form of exercises. How advisable and safe will the same be.

Thanks and Regards
V. Renganathan