I am 75 years old and haves been advised by three cardiologists to take Repatha for High Cholesterol. Currently it is 225. A1C is 6.4 No drug for that.
High blood pressure controlled with amlodipine 12.5 mg twice per day
I have Charcot- Marie -Toothe Syndrome, A neuromuscular condition
I have Asthma controlled with Albuterol-Budesonide inhaled through a nebulize twice a day.
My original Cardiologist of 40 years retired in March and am interviewing new doctors.
Cholesterol has been between 141 and 225 since 2017. VLDL 37mg Chol/HDL ratio 2.8
Have been taken off statins for many years now as it affects my Neuromuscular CMT disease.
What is the definitive answer. Should I or shouldn't I, given the potential side effects of Repatha?
Thank you, Mike S.