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Quetiapine - When the dose gets upped, how long does it take to have an effect?


WildcatVet 9 Aug 2021

Hi, Lee!
It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to feel the full effects of the medication. Because you've already been taking the drug it should be more like 2-3 weeks although you may see improvements sooner than that.
Best regards and I hope you feel better soon.

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Lee1309 9 Aug 2021


Lee1309 9 Aug 2021

Thanks hope to god it works running out of options

Lee1309 9 Aug 2021

Thanks hope to god it works running out of options No SSRIs work for anxiety venlafaxine worked but stopped working

WildcatVet 9 Aug 2021

I can no longer take any antidepressants as I became late onset Bipolar but previously took venlafaxine for years until it "pooped out".
I'm currently taking buspirone and quetiapine for my anxiety disorders and also for Bipolar depression. They work together very well for me.
Good luck with the quetiapine. I hope it works as well for you.

Lee1309 9 Aug 2021


Lee1309 10 Aug 2021

What dose you on wildcat?

WildcatVet 10 Aug 2021

I'm currently taking 300mg/day but it's for my Bipolar disorder. It just happens that it began helping my anxiety also when I was titrated up to 100mg from 50mg.
What dose are you taking now?

Lee1309 10 Aug 2021

100mg anxiety has dropped a bit but not fully

WildcatVet 10 Aug 2021

How long have you been taking the 100mg now?

Lee1309 10 Aug 2021

venlafaxine knocked anxiety on the head wish quetiapine would

Lee1309 10 Aug 2021

Since end of may I think hopefully doc will up the dose went on trintellix totally messed my head

Lee1309 11 Aug 2021

Wild cat did you gradually get better of did it happen all at once?

WildcatVet 11 Aug 2021

A gradual improvement. I noticed at times that I was doing better but one day it all just fell into place and I realized it was working well.
Best of luck to you.

Lee1309 11 Aug 2021

Thanks again

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

Wild cat I have been on quetiapine since end of may had no really good results so far just got upped from 100mg to150 mg you think I should stay on it longer as doc doesn't seem to care when I try to talk to him

WildcatVet 13 Aug 2021

When you say no really good results do you mean none at all or some improvement even if it's just a little?
For most people 150mg is the low end of the recommended dosage. Maybe give it just a couple of weeks before you decide what you want to do.
Your doctor seems very "compassionate" (sic). Is he/she a psychiatrist? Have you thought of getting a second opinion?

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

Feel a little improvement the doc was not very good at listening talking down to me till I got angry

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

He is a psychiatrist through the community mental health team the other one I talked to was even worse

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

Thanks again for your help just feel so fed up
Struggling to get proper help

WildcatVet 13 Aug 2021

Have you considered a referral to a therapist who could communicate with the doctor? Also, a therapist can use CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to help you recognize anxiety triggers and better ways of coping with your anxiety symptoms.
I've been in therapy for my anxiety and for PTSD and I think it's a great adjunct to medication.

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

I've started therapy 3 weeks ago suffer with PTSD and anxiety but starting to get depressed now as I've been struggling really bad for 61/2 months
Many thanks again

Lee1309 13 Aug 2021

I've started therapy 3 weeks ago suffer with PTSD and anxiety but starting to get depressed now as I've been struggling really bad for 61/2 months
Many thanks again

Lee1309 14 Aug 2021

What would you do in my situation wild cat ?
Many thanks

WildcatVet 15 Aug 2021

Hard to say because I have a tendency to push through things until it's no longer reasonable... if it is in fact unreasonable.
The use of Seroquel in the treatment of anxiety disorders is fairly new but what studies I've read seem to indicate the effective dose for most people is 50-150mg/day.
I think I'd try the increase and give it a couple of weeks before calling it quits.

Lee1309 15 Aug 2021


Lee1309 15 Aug 2021

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quetiapine, dosage

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