In short my story. I am 40, female. And suffer from a slight form of cariomyopathy (dilated) since 2005. I took Sotalol and Apocard for years but since the combination of the two meds can cause more dangerous palpitations I had to switch to another beta blocker. My cardio choose Nebivolol (5mg) a day (in the morning). I may take more if I need it and I am taking a quarter before bedtime (1.25 mg). I am now taking it for two and a half weeks. Overall my heartrate is slower. I do experience some palps but I guess I should live with that. In the morning however, when taking my pill and I start to be active rightaway, like walking to the office with heavy bags, my heartrate goes up (it starts with a strong palp) and rises until 135 beats per minute. It feels uncomforable, and I used to panic but now I started to deal with it. My question is now this: does my heart still needs time to adjust to the new med? I read online that it can take up to 2 and a half weeks for your symptoms to become worse before kicking in. It's not happening a lot. Three times since starting with Nebivolol. And I will check out with my doctor when he's back from his holiday. Just checking out if other people have some sort of same experiences. Thanks!