Is anyone taking Lexapro for GAD with Protonix for GERD?
I have been on 15mg of Lexapro for 31 days now. I have noticed a good improvement, but had to start taking Protonix due to middle of the night acid reflux which is getting better. I am also on Klonopin.
My recent increased anxiety could be due to the holidays coming up, I live alone and despite having many friends, I am still not well enough to wane to be out with them a lot. I would have thought that Lexapro would ease some of these irrational anxieties, but I am worried that Protonix could be working against Lexapro? Is that possible? Two different psychiatrist say no, and they don't believe Protonix would reduce the impact of Lexapro.
Also, anyone else gets anxious around the holidays?