I am currently tapering from Fioricet. it's a combo med it has Tylenol 40mg of caffeine and 50mg of butalbital.I got my first script when I was having dental work.I wish I never took one!I have had many addictions alcohol (that was a bad one I went 2 detox 2x for that) then Percocet then Soma I was taking 18 a day I tapered off the Soma 1 pill a day and didn't feel anything. No withdrawal at all.I have been taking 6 Fioricets a day everyday for 2 years now.I finally went to my doctor the same one that helped me get off Percocet. got off Percocet by taking Suboxone. My doctor has me tapering from the Fioricet since I was taking 6 a day he told me I had to immediately drop to 4 pills a day for 1 week then 3 pills a day for 1 week then 2 pills a day for 1 week then 1 pill a day for 1 week. Then I'm done.I'm terrified.I found out that the half life of Fioricet is 4-6 hrs but the half life of butalbital is 35 hours.that scares me a lot because the half life is so long.oi believe that half life is when one half of the drug is out of your body and the other half is still in yours body. Is that the right definition of half life? Because if it is that means that it will take 70 hours to get all the butalbital out of my body.I'm wondering as I'm tapering ( right now I'm on my week of taking 3 pills a day) is the drug slowly coming out of my body ? I hope it is.I do suffer from very bad anxiety I take Xanax 2mg three times a day.and I have never abused the Xanax I no a lot of people do I never did because I never got high from it even the 1st time I took it.I also take Effexor for depression. It doesn't help me much. I used to take Zoloft. I have found that antidepressants don't seem to work to get rid of my depression.what scares me more then anything is that I'm afraid of having withdrawal.I'm afraid of having withdrawal seizures(I have never had a seizure in my life) and I'm scared that I'm going to have withdrawals like shaking from head to toe and not being able to talk and drooling. I have been reading a lot on the internet and I read tons of horror stories like some girl posted that he dad was in a hospital for 6 day for Fioricet and in the hospital detox he was having seizure convulsions shaking from head to toe talking to people that weren't there and wandering around. I no that sounds crazy and my doctor told me not 2 believe what I read on the internet because people can write whatever they want it doesn't mean its true.I'm 35 years old and I have had addiction problems for 15 yrs.my longest addiction was alcohol.I cry a lot because I have 2 stop and I'm honestly so, so scared. I'm also scared that after I'm off the Fioricet I won't feel normal anymore or that I will be a shaking nervous wreck unable to do anything or function like a regular person. My friends who is a nurse told me that nothing bad is going to happen when I'm off the Fioricet . And that I will feel normal.I hope she right.I talked to my mom she grew up in the 60s and she told me that I will be totally fine and that in the 60s and 70s tons of people took barbituates they were very popular back then where as now they r not that popular.that made me feel better since I feel so alone.I am happy I found this group. I desperately need to talk to people that understand and suffer from addiction like myself.I do have a few more questions 1st does this sound life a good tapering plan? Will I have any kind of withdrawal? Or will this be just like when I stopped and tapered off the Soma? I hope so as i didn't have any withdraw when I was done.does anyone no if my definition of half life is right? And regarding half life does the fact that butalbital has a half life of 35 hours mean that the butalbital is working in other words am I feeling the effects of it for 35 hours?and does that mean that after 70 hours when it is totally gone mean that it would take 70 hours for me to have withdrawal symptoms?I'm asking this because I don't no if I have the correct definition of half life? Also has any1 here tapered off of Fioricet? Sorry this is so long (I have so many questions and fears. There hasn't been 1 day since I started tapering that I haven't cried sometimes I cry for hours because I'm just so worried.please respond to this I would like to meet other people like myself who suffer with the horrors of addiction. Thank you for listening to me.