He stated , and I quote , "that sounds like a pretty aggressive treatment ! "
Well it's a pretty aggressive ailment ,as well...
All these drugs that I take for the eczema, all they do is really bat it down for at most 3-4 days ... a week ... before it reappears ... I've had the dishydrosis for probably 15 years , and the topicals, prednisone, as well as the occasional 10 to 20 mg of Decadron IM, seem to work pretty well.
But the severe atopic dermatitis is a new wrinkle... Only manifesting within the last six months and I am talking about full body coverage during a flare up... ankles to ears !
It is miserable !!!
Is there any way I could speak to or, get in contact with, a physician connected with the Dupixent team that maybe will be a little more understanding ?
I'm going to try the euchrisa ... Although I don't hold out much hope as I have already tried Elidel , as well as protopic , in the past and didn't have much luck with either ... It's my understanding that these are the same class of the drugs as the Euchrisa...
Any assistance you may lend would be greatly appreciated ... Thank you for your time, consideration, and prompt response ...