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Phentermine - Any reviews from females over 60 years of age?


HeadStarter 24 Sep 2012

Hi there "wanttobethin" and welcome to DC. I hope you enjoy your experience here and find the support you are seeking. I like your username and I can also appreciate it. I am a woman in her late 50s (58 to be exact) who has lost a lot of weight. I want to add here that phentermine has the propensity to exacerbate certain psychological symptoms that include the sudden urge to attack people! I am not kidding on that one. It has some pretty ugly and severe side effects, too. I am not going to sugar-coat this one because I believe your desire to lose weight is stronger now than the low benefits of this drug. It can also cause tachycardia and heart palpitations along with increased blood pressure. It is meant to be used on a "short-term" basis only. The resulting rebound weight gain is also very high in people who have used this. It can also cause extreme agitation and thus insomnia.

I am going to throw this one out there for you to consider. As I mentioned, I have lost a lot of weight. I managed it in my 50s and without drugs. I went through a very painful divorce but also healed from that pain. In all of that was a lot of weight gain and weight loss and for the better part of 30 years did I struggle with that. I bought a program through QVC and which also had many infomercials along with it. It is michael thurmonds 6-week body makeover. I got it through QVC because of the value pays. The cost of the program was $125 U.S. dollars and the best money I ever spent for weight loss. There are NO DRUGS and NO FROZEN MEALS and NO OTHER COSTS with the exception of groceries that you would normally buy any way. It is called 6-week body makeover not because you lose all of your weight in 6-weeks but because it takes 6 weeks to change a habit and that same 6 weeks to develop better habits. I couldn't do any of the stretching exercises either. This isn't a "no pain no gain" type of regimen either. There are stretching and toning exercises specifically for your body type, of which there are 5 different body types. The program helps you identify what your body type is so that you can put your journal together for your specific body type and then move forward. You get all of the material for all body types but you only use one of them. I lost 10 lbs. per month and dropped a whopping 92 lbs. in nine months. I have also kept it off. I am not eating celery or carrot sticks either. I am eating real food. I have kept mine off for about 4 years now. You can do this and you don't need to buy a supplement to help you. I am more concerned that you will have a heart attack from those pills than anything, okay??? If I could do it; you can do it, too. I want to tell you this too. My motivation was two-fold. The first was I got MAD at one of my doctors for suggesting I needed Lipitor to control my cholesterol without even suggesting to me to lose weight to bring my cholesterol under control. I got TIRED AND MAD that more pills were being thrown at me. I refused to take them and thanked my doctor and told her I would see her in 6 months. That came to pass too. I had lost 54 lbs. when I next saw her and my cholesterol was GREAT!!! She took my program to review it for her diabetic patients but told me to keep up the good work because it was WORKING for me!!! When I next saw her... her staff just about dropped their mouths because nobody had ever seen me that "light" or that happy. Yeah, I did it... and I love to cook. My husband lost 20 lbs. just because I was cooking differently and not because he actually needed to lose. I was even mad at myself to think it was all in the type of foods I was eating and why didn't I do this sooner! But, I am 58 now and my cholesterol is well under 170 now and the good part if great and the bad cholesterol is even better. I didn't need another pill to help me and my pcp was so thrilled that I was at this weight, too. You don't need those pills, you just need the desire and I believe you have the desire. You surely don't need heart palpitations or any of the other quite serious side effects of that med.

Okay, I am off the pulpit and I wish you joy and happiness in your life. If you want any other info on the program I did... I am more than willing and happy to talk about it. Oh, one more thing... I said I couldn't do any of the stretching or toning exercises due to a number of surgeries I had. I could walk though... not far... but I could walk to the mailbox and back and that is how I started. I went a little further as I got some of my stamina back. I walk with two canes and I sure enjoy the out of doors a lot more now.

Blessings to you and much happiness to you in your world.


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Inactive 24 Sep 2012

Head starter
You are so correct about about wanting to attack someone. Even though I only took it for 4 days maybe 5 I was so overwhelmed with the panic attacks I was having as I think back on it I was very agitated and for no reason at all. The drug for me was not worth it at all I exercise everyday but stay at the same weight due to my eating habits.
I will also look into the 6 week body make over thanks so much

HeadStarter 24 Sep 2012

My pleasure... and now you know there WAS a reason for the way you felt while taking that drug - it causes major and severe issues!!! Good luck and let me know if you want support with the 6-week body makeover. I never thought I would EVER get to a reasonable weight! I did because I was mad at a doctor and I also wanted to be a better and different weight when I remarried. I have been with my new hubby for just over 2 years but he was another reason I got myself on track. I knew I could do it and I bought a wedding outfit before I could even get into it - how's that for confidence!!! They say you shouldn't try to be a weight that you have never been able to maintain. The weight or size I had been most of my teenage years into my early twenties was a size 12. I am 5'7" and a smidge inches tall. It was the size 12 I was aiming for even though I didn't know when the weight loss was going to stop because I never plateaued...


until it was gone and for the way I was eating I just didn't lose any more. That is how it goes... that is the habit I developed and maintained because I am still eating all of the same things. There is nothing to change at the end of it unlike most other diet plans. Those other plans have you adding in more foods when it is over but that isn't how this works. You eat 5-6 times each day so that you are NEVER hungry. When I stopped losing weight and fit into my wedding outfit that is actually when I went back to eating 3 meals a day. Sometimes I will eat 4 but then I keep my portions in check when I need that extra boost.

Be well and I am here if you want support.


Inactive 24 Sep 2012

As long as you don't have a panic disorder you should be successful with loosing weight it will suppress your hungry right away
Good luck

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