I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem? Yesterday and today I tried only the opana and had NO relief at all. Right now living off my breakthrough meds (oxycodone 10mg, can't take acetaminophen) and I know for chronic pain a time release around the clock is what is needed or so I've read. I am currently diagnosed with double scoliosis, 3 degenerating discs in my lower back, 1 herniated disc in lower back, osteo-pinea, arthritis in lower back, pinched nerve at L-5 and fissures in between the discs of my lower back. Wondering if anyone else is having this problem with the Opana ER 10mg? They are the ones made by Endo. I see my primary care doctor tomorrow as well as the nurse practitioner for my back dr but all she keeps doing to me when I see her is asking (yes first question out of her mouth) what medication can she lower for me today. I feel she in not being very compassionate and lumping me in with the people that do abuse their medication. Any info is greatly appreciated and I am also new to this forum, so nice to meet you ;)