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How long does pain last after a total knee replacement?


Lisa01 6 July 2018

Your knee is still healing. Remember, your surgeon had to move muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, etc to get to the joint and leg bone to do the replacement. You're only 2 months out and expecting a lot. It's going to take months for your healing to be complete. You shouldn't expect to walk around on a concrete floor and not hurt. You should still be doing the exercises you learned in pt, elevating your leg with ice when it's painful and taking it easy walking around Wal-Mart! I wouldn't expect it to be completely pain free. I still experience pain, but nothing like how it felt before my replacement. Just try and be a little bit more realistic in your expectations for so short an amount of time.

Votes: +0
Kaylinda60 2 Aug 2018

I’m 3 weeks out of having a TKR IM scared of getting hooked on my pain pills. I’m taking hydrocodone 5-325 I take about 4 a day! I’m in physical therapy, twice a week and also do them at home. I hurt every day, The only way I get relief is taking my pain meds then I feel OK. I am a very active person sitting around is very hard for me, there isn’t much I can do.

Lisa01 2 Aug 2018

Taking your pain meds to relieve your pain isn't getting hooked. There's such an uproar in this country right now about opioid addiction that in some cases is causing more harm than good. If you're taking your prescribed medication for your diagnosed physical condition, in the manner they're prescribed to you, you're okay. If you find yourself taking more than prescribed, continually running out early, looking to alternate sources to find additional pain meds, then you might find yourself with a problem.

Kaylinda60 3 Aug 2018

Ty, guess I’m being impatient with myself!

Lisa01 3 Aug 2018

You're welcome! I wish you the very best of luck. I know it was one of the best decisions I've ever made! And please feel free to ask if you have any other questions or concerns.

Nebraskacircuit 5 July 2018

I had both my knees replaced last year on July 11th. I went home the next day after showing the Dr I could walk. As long as you take your pain meds as instructed the pain in minimal. Night time is pretty bad but ice helps a great deal. It took 3 months for the pain to subside. Go to physical therapy it does work and keep moving. I’m doing great. I’m weight training and doing some running. It was the best thing I ever did.

Votes: +1
pasuzz 5 July 2018

I had mine this year on may 8th. Was in and out of hospital in 12 hours,used walker few days, In therapy up to last week,passed all goals but knee hurts bad at times, ice often just get so frustrated with aches and pain want it gone now!

Nebraskacircuit 5 July 2018

I know it is frustrating. The pain will go away. You will experience stiffness if you sit too long so get up and move after awhile.

pasuzz 5 July 2018

I do, try to move legs even while sitting, ride stationary bike once a day, walking too much at walmart really causes pain,I've read pain lasts 6 months to a year,is that true? free discount card

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pain, knee joint replacement, knee

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