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Will lisinopril or amlodipine show up on a drug test?

3 Answers

ilovezaria 30 Aug 2017

I dont know

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DzooBaby 8 May 2013

They would if they were looking for them. Most drug screens are only concerned with illegal drugs and controlled prescription drugs being used without a prescription (like opioid pain meds-codeine, morphine oxycodone, hydrocodone etc, amphetamines and drugs used for ADHD like Adderall, Ritalin etc and benzodiazepines like Valium, Xanax etc). Lisinopril and amlodipine are not controlled substances so no worries!

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DzooBaby 8 May 2013

With prescription controlled drugs, if they are given by prescription they are being used legally and once one proves they have a prescription it is okay. It is the illegal use of them without prescription that they look for.

Dougus 8 May 2013

I read a post about you wanting your hubby to go to your pain med appt as you thought he'd believe your hubby that the pain was real, but hr epected you to go when he wanted your support. My doc seems to give my wife's opion more valitity then my word alone. Did you find a way to get him to go with you? If so, I will use whatever you did to get him to go so I can get my wife to go. Sorry for referencing your posts from a year ago, but again, I just joined and I'm reading everything. .. Thanks & Cheers!

kaismama 7 May 2013

No they are blood pressure meds and no one looks for or cares if you are on them.

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6 flat 7 May 2013

thanks free discount card

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amlodipine, lisinopril, drug test

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