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Lamotrigine - how long does it take to see a difference on anxiety with Lamictal?


WildcatVet 14 May 2021

Although you should see some improvements sooner it takes approximately 1.5-2 months for lamotrigine to take full effect.
Anxiety usually takes longer to respond to psychotropic medications than depression, mania, etc.

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Godisgoodinmylife 14 May 2021

Thank you so much for answering my question! I kinda feel hopeless but have no other choice than hoping lamictal will come through for me for my cyclothymia and my anxiety. I am also taking 1mg of risperidone before going to bed. Thank you so much for getting back to me and I wish you all the best!

Mamadylanforever412 14 May 2021

Hi - I have also been prescribed lamictal that worked wonderfully for me ten years ago. I suffer from panic disorder gad and ptsd. I am petrified that for some reason it will react differently this time and make my anxiety worse my dr says you won’t know until you try which I full well know but I want to get better and my anxiety is totally not letting me do that. Any suggestions? I know it sounds insane I want to get better but too scared to take meds so I’m just suffering.

WildcatVet 14 May 2021

Don't let your anxiety do the talking for you! You're miserable and your doctor just prescribed a medication that gives you a light at the end of the tunnel. It's true you won't know for sure that it'll work but what other option do you have? Living miserably and unhappy? Take a leap of faith and start taking your medication.
I was a basket case until my psychiatrist suggested lamotrigine along with my other daily meds... I almost couldn't even leave my house and the thought of driving threw me into anxiety attacks. Now I'm not 100% but I'll happily settle for 95%.
Try to find things that takes your mind off your anxiety. Yoga, meditation, take a long walk, read that novel, watch an interesting TV show.
Take care and just go for it.

Mamadylanforever412 14 May 2021

Thanks for your comment Wildcat. I know that my anxiety is doing the talking and I need to try it like I said it has worked wonderfully in the past. I took it at night slept etc and panic was gone
Do you have any suggestions when starting? I know I’m going to take like a quarter of a pill and titrate up but any other pointers? Sorry to be a pain.

Godisgoodinmylife 14 May 2021

@Mamadylanforever412, thank you for joining the conversation! Don't feel alone, we are right there with you. I also suffer from GAD and have certain traits of panic disorder. I've been suffering from this for the past year and a half. It started when I was 19 and now I am 21. I can only imagine that you must be afraid of trying medication again but as WC said, you can only know if you try. Unfortunately, that's how the psych world works. We can't have exams done to see exactly what our body will need, it's trial and error :/ My suggestion would be to go ahead and try new medication, I guess that worst case scenario would be that you end up switching to another because Lamictal didn't work for you. I'll be praying for you!

Godisgoodinmylife 14 May 2021

Wildcat, thank you so much for your feedback. I can't put into words how much I appreciate it. oI am right there with you on driving anxiety. I used to looooove driving but since my GAD started, I have been hating it. I avoid it as much as I can just because of how anxious I get. I have also developed social anxiety as I prefer to be home whenever anxiety comes. I also used to love being outside running errands, now I avoid it as well. Seems like everything I once loved now is unbearable:( Do you have any words of encouragement? Thank you:)

Godisgoodinmylife 14 May 2021

I have also been on prozac for 4 months. It hasn't made anything worse, it has helped somewhat but hasn't made a huge difference to be honest. Should I give that more time?

WildcatVet 14 May 2021

You're not a pain... you're a member of a community that shares information and experiences.
You know about the titration and the only other thing that comes to mind is potential side effects.
The most common are:
headache, dizziness;
blurred vision, double vision;
dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea;
drowsiness, tired feeling;
sleep problems.
Now don't think that you'll have all of these side effects... most people don't... but if you do they're generally mild and resolve within days to a week or so.
Just for the record, I didn't have any at all.
Please post again if you have more concerns, okay?

WildcatVet 14 May 2021

The funny thing about my driving is that I still get a little nervous in anticipation but once I'm in the car and moving I'm perfectly fine.
As far as the Prozac if you're still on a low dose you may need to increase it. Have you told your doctor how you're feeling? Everyone responds differently to these medications but you've been on it long enough for what's considered a fair trial and you may not be on the therapeutic dose that's right for you.
Don't do the "what if's" if you can help it. Look for improvement and keep a positive attitude!

Godisgoodinmylife 14 May 2021

Thank you WC! I am currently on 30mgs of Prozac. My psych hasn't increased it just because he made the new addition of lamictal and risperidone so we are hoping that makes the change happen. :)

TyreseTl 14 May 2021

Hey @WC, I hope you’re having a good day, take care my friend.

Mamadylanforever412 14 May 2021

I am deff going to give it a try every time I make a plan to start it I feel like something gets in the way and then my anxiety starts saying is that a sign and all the other horrible things that come from it. I know it is about trial and error I wish I could just skip over that part but I can’t I just have to get up the strength and courage to try and overcome this I also have small children who I want to be ME again for

WildcatVet 14 May 2021

Hi, Tyrese!!! It's good to see you. I hope your day is going as great as mine!
Take care and be safe. free discount card

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lamictal, anxiety, lamotrigine

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