I started taking a low dose of Zoloft 9 days ago. I was on 12.5 mg for 1 week, and I just upped my dosage last night to 25mg. I have some increased anxiety, a little shakiness, and slight nausea. I woke up yesterday morning and was EXTREMELY dizzy, like the room was moving under my feet and having the feeling of wanting to pass out. The xanax I have helps a bit with it, but I still feel really spacey. I've been feeling this way now for the last 2 days, today has not been as bad as yesterday, but I feel really "funky" and off balance, can't look up and can't move my head quick or the dizziness gets worse. Is this a normal side effect? I was on Zoloft twice before and don't remember getting THIS dizzy from it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS! :)