Hello guys, I am really worried.

I had unprotected sex on 26 october. I have taken ipill( ECP) within 3 hours after having unprotected sex that day only.

I had my periods on 12 novemeber, they lasted for 5 days but they were quite light.

The most important thing for which I am worried is that I daily feel like nausea in the morning, or in the evening sometimes in noon too. I have also vomited 4 times but it was once in a week not frequent vomit.

Now I am waiting for my period this month.

I wanted to know this nauseatic feeling is side effects of ipill or something else?? because it is being mentioned you feel like nausea only for 1-2 days after taking ipill but it has been more than a month and still I am feeling like nausea or vomit.

Please help