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Gabapentin for leg cramps?

3 Answers

AZDesertGal 17 Jan 2023

I have been on Gabapentin for about 4 years and it does help me. Now mind you I have had leg cramps for close to 80 years.
Gabapentin is the number 1 drug for being prescribed for any pain and beyond.
But somehow the good may outweigh the bad side effects. I am weaning myself off this drug as Doc has me taking 6 of the 300mg. I have just this past year seen the bad effects. This drug can affect the brain and makes you forgetful. I now have a hard time with names and with understanding what I have even asked someone. Getting hard to converse. At least I noticed this and decided I had to do something about it. First med in all my years that I have had some bad reaction to.


The women in my family tree live into the 100 plus age group but their minds are as sharp as a tack. So my advice is if it helps where nothing else has then just watch out for the brain damage that can occur. I am weaning myself off this and now down to only 3 capsules a day. Doing good so far as no leg cramps.
I am hoping I can find something else for my cramps. Sleeping aids can help but then there are also bad effects with them.

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masso 12 Aug 2022

"Gabapentin (Neurontin): A prescription-only medication used to treat seizures and nerve pain, gabapentin has evidence that it can help relieve symptoms of leg pain at night."

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flemings70 9 Aug 2022

Gabapentin did absolutely nothing for me. It is supposed to work for some people but not me.

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peripheral neuropathy, diabetic nerve damage, periodic limb movement disorder, gabapentin, diabetic neuropathy, cramp, leg cramp, neuropathic pain

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