Hi! Please help! I've googlesd the photos... as you all have! After way too much sun exposure ( my mother told me so) and a few of the treatments on my face that did not work ( the freezing.. Thing) this one spot keeps coming back in my cheek! I'm day 4 in.. Of a 14 day treatment of twice a day.. I see a lot of you are covering with make up! My doctor advised against anything.. No cover ups and no lotions! Im not seeing any results and my skin is extremely dry! I'm only to apply in my cheeks! What is the procedure with 2 applications? I've been applying a treatment after showering in the morning ... washing my face before bed.. And another application. I hate that I'm sleeping on my pillows with this awful chemical and can't even go near my infant or husband... sOOOOO the question is Would my "2" treatments suffice as..one in the morning... One around 3pm! Wash my face at 9pm... With much needed face moisturer! And sleep? Do I need this product on over night? Anyone know the active time! I'm not even seeing results yet! Just very tight skin and a slight burn! No red marks!
