I had a major spinal fusion ( lower lumbar) in July of 2023. My condition pre-surgery was at a very severe state due to awaiting medical insurance for surgery(5yr). In turn, worsened my spinal stenosis. My pain was daily at least a 6. 5 or 7. I walked barely, very hunched over. Well, on the day of surgery (happy days, I thought) only to wake up 7 hours later totally unable to walk right foot drop, and during surgery, had 5 blood transfusions. Much of the surgery details weren't in the report nor told to me. I had to be resuscitated during surgery which I nor my family knew anything of. Due to foot drop, I've fallen many, many times resulting in a hip fracture, and my disc and other medical terms are just worse than when I started. Depression, to say the least. I've also, for no apparent reason, gained 59lbs of fluid pre-surgery and was diagnosed with microscopic colitis, which keeps me from much therapy, but mostly the last 3 years I've been in the bathroom more than with my husband and enjoying what I dreamed of being a proactive life with husband after a successful fusion. Not me it was a huge failure. My pain is breathtaking, depression is so dark ugggg no words for it. Despair. I just want me back. My husband and I deserve life. He's wonderful and stood beside me the entire time. I can't find help as far as any long term pain meds. I can't go daily to a treatment clinic due to husband has to work, and I have no other means, plus my hip fracture has left me with its own nightmare. It's hard to find a doctor you can be honest with and trust. Putting my pain in his hands. After so many letdowns, I can't take anymore.