For a couple of years now I have been experiencing a very weird problem. When I'm at home, laying around, playing games, generally relaxing and stuff everything is fine. However, some times (very often but not every time) I went to school or work, I'd get sick, I had to vomit. It's very gradual, I start salivating a lot, and eventually either I'd leave to go home and then I'd lie down and eventually feel better, or I just vomit and feel better right away. The thing is when I vomit it's usually just air ; it's like a huge burp, followed by a short amount of bile. And when I get to relaxing after avoiding vomiting I have a lot of gas to fart out. I cannot burp normally, I never could. Maybe it has to do with excess gas in my body? I also feel like in those "I feel sick" situations I also cannot fart, nothing works. I've always been looking at what might be the cause but never got anything. Do you have any idea? What could be the solution?