Ok so I have endometriosis, and I've been using this ring continuous so I do not have a period, which controls my pain. I use it for 4 weeks then put a new ring in. No stopping. No period. Well for the past 2 months, I am bleeding a week before I tecnically should have my period. So I am bleeding on the 3rd week after changing the ring. I started to bleed yesterday when I shouldn't change my ring out for another week but I'm doing continuous so I'm so confused. I understand there might be break through bleeding, but I am having a full on period- exactly the same as I did last month. Is this normal? Now in terms of me keeping the ring in or removing it- what should I do? Keep it in like normal and change it out next week? Remove it for a week while I am on my period. I just don't know. If I remove it, will I be protected if my husband and I have sex? Thanks!