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Whats the differance between oxycodone/acetaminophen 5-325 mg and oxycodone 5 mg?

4 Answers

Autumnbellebolf 5 Sep 2022

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Truth is offensive 28 April 2021

Poison Alice is absolutely correct regarding the difference and she is also spot on regarding the effects of long term use of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. -- pharmacist in Dallas

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gbryant78 29 Nov 2014

One have acetaminophen the other don't. Acetaminophen is consider Tylenol

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PoisonAlice 29 March 2013

The only difference is that one has acetaminophen in it, and the other one doesn't and is just oxycodone. The oxycodone strength is exactly the same in both drugs.

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PoisonAlice 29 March 2013

I might add that if you're going to be prescribed oxycodone, go for the one that is just oxycodone and doesn't have anything else in it like acetaminophen or aspirin or anything else. This will help you in various ways. It'll help you if you need to take acetaminophen or aspirin or whatever, as you're not taking it multiple times a day everyday. Also, it will help you down the line if you're going to take it long-term, as long-term use of acetaminophen can cause liver damage, and ibuprofen can cause kidney damage and heart problems if you take a lot of it for a long time. Also, if you catch a cold or something, or have an allergy attack, you can take the over the counter medications with Tylenol and such in them without too much of a worry. free discount card

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