I've been on Microgestin for about 15 months, give or take. I usually experience very light periods around the 3rd day of my placebo, brown pills. This month, however, hasn't given me that. I'm one week past that 3rd day (aka a week late in my mind) & I'm slightly freaking out because I've experienced light, barely there periods, but have never missed one completely.

So here are my circumstances: I'm pretty good with taking the pill, making sure I take it within the same hour every day. I missed one dose this past month in the 2nd week but took it the following day. I don't have an excessive amount of sex (long-distance relationship) but I did have unprotected sex about 6-8 times this month. He never ejaculated inside me, but I know the "pull out" method isn't fool-proof.

What I'm really asking here is: should I worry about being pregnant? I know Microgestin is known to give very light periods, but I'm still paranoid. I'm also currently experiencing a very stressful finals week (this whole month was stressful) and haven't had much of a healthy diet or sleep schedule. I just want some support on whether or not I should be freaking out as much as I am. Thanks!