cause any lasting effects. On thursday, when i woke up, i noticed i had a slight bitter sensation in my mouth, i thought nothing of it. later in the afternoon i took diphenhydramine 25mg, and went to take a shower, because i sometimes get hive reaction. after the shower, i took 2 pills of reccommended non-drowsy pain meds(the 3 meds in the title). I started getting very sedated an hour later, and i thought since it was causing sleepiness, it was working, during the sedation, i noticed or i thought i felt my throat was dry, so i went to take a drink, but it was offset, because it did not relieve it. then i proceeded to several slice of raisin bread, as soon as it touched my mouth i could not taste(only slight taste), or smell anything. i was concerned, and went online to search for info, alot came back MS, tumors, injuries,,, etc. When i went to bed i noticed i was having tingling sensations on my left extremities, and went to bed.
THE NEXT DAY, i woke, up and i still had the same issue, and immediately called my PCP(MEDI-CAL welfare doctor) medical health center, and talked to the nurse to schedule a appointment, but i ended up not explaining my current situation. So i called again 2 hours later, and the lady at the center referred me to the nurse at the local hospital san francisco general, where i live. I explained my situation, and he said come to the ER right away, which i did, by bus. and spent the next 5 1/2hrs there. the doctors, even an emergency ent, and some other doctors, asked me alot of questions, did i smoke,was i able to walk properly, balance issues, head injuries, they used an EKG to see if there was a heart problem, it was normal, they did a very basic metabolic panel, all normal. except during the wait, i a high heart rate, 100+ for the 5hrs i was there, and i slight cold sensation, and tingling as well and started twitching quite often on my left side. the doctors were thinking why my bpm was so high, my blood pressure is normal,i kept saying i always had this, and thought nothing of it, unbeknownst to me i find out why bpm was so high(but not the cause), when i went to sleep yesterday night, i noticed when i was laying still i was twitch quite a bit, and had this strange cold feeling(constant shivering). before i left the hospital that night, they said they dont know whats causing it, and i kept saying it has something neurological,(because of the tingling sensations i have been having), i think they only denied the neurological part is because i mentioned that a 1.5 years ago i was with Kaiser insurance before i turned 26, and i had a MRi, because an ENT i was seeing, thought there was something causing my tinnitus,(my brain), she said she hasnt found anything. thats why they denied it.
Day 3, saturday, today, i still had those sensations, and only slight ability to smell amd taste, in addition to the reduced twitching , and jerky movements. I noticed my smell and taste slightly improved when i ate something and smelled somethign pungent. but then it went back to the way it was, with a strange taste after the hot soy sauce.
What could this be, a nuerological issue, which im thinking it is, or do you think its associated with the diphenhydramine and acetomeniphen i took?
before the the smell and taste loss, the day before, i had a strange stomach sensation(like i was about to throw up, so i took an antacid the next day, before the benadryl/aceto regimen.
I mainly took benadryl, once a day, but on the day and half before the smell and taste symptoms appeared i took 2 benadryls 1 right after the other 4 hours apart. before that i was taking for about a few weeks, 1 a day, but i never noticed any effects, because i took it during sleeping time. When i did take it during the day(the very first time i took it months ago, i noticed i would get a sensation that moves like wave from my head to the rest of my body, and a rapid heart rate as well?side effects? It was very sedating every time i took it, but not noticible when i went to sleep. it also gives dry mouth after everytime, can i cause dry eyes and dry nose to the point i cant smell?
Could this cause my smell and taste loss? or it could be something else going on? Sorry if this is too wordy