I have suffered from anxiety/depression for many years. Eighteen years ago
I was put on Paxil and was on it 20 mgs for 12 years. It worked great.
However because of severe weight gain my doctor decided to take me off and
put me on Zoloft. It was good, but only for two years. I relapsed and he
upped the dose to 100, which worked good for 6 months. Then upping did not
work and I was put on Lexapro 10 mgs. It worked good for two years, until
I had a problem with my arm and then was put on Effexor 112 mgs. This
worked great for 6 months, then I had surgery on my arm and got it back
again. The Dr. upped the dose of Effexor, but my blood pressure
skyrocketed and he weened me off to Prozac, which did nothing. Now I am on
Celexa, I did get my appetite back, but still feel the same. I have been
on Celexa 20 mgs for two weeks. I am so upset right now. I have to keep
laying down to get my head in order. I just want to feel myself again.

I truly believe that if I had not stayed on the Paxil that long, and just
did exercise, etc. I would not be in this predicament. I am just hoping
that the Celexa works. I don't know what else they can do. I switched
doctors, but the other doctor was telling me I had Panic. I do not have
panic. I have GAD and depression. Any information you could give me, I
would be ever so indebtedy. i tried cognitive behavior but think it is not working. How long would celexa take to work.