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What is C4 Ketamine / Baclofen / Cyclobenzaprine / Diclofenac / Gabapentin / Lidocaine lotion used?

5 Answers

jonboy7 29 March 2017

I need to know the answer also,iv got nuropathy in left hand after 3bypass. I'm n a lot of pain. I was given this cream n hosp

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dbird65737 27 Dec 2015

Wel I was given all these mixtures of medicines mixed into a lotion form to rub on my legs, back, ankle, joints like you all out there. My condition I have is called " Meralgia Paresthetica" I have a pinched nerve in my panty line area that runs around to my back and that nerve is pinched also. It affects both outer front thigh of my legs and and my low back. My thighs feel as if they are burning or better word "cooking" from the bone coming out to my skin along with itching of my thighs, burning sensation all these together make me cry I am in so much pain. I've had 3 sets of shots 2 in my groin area 1 in my low back. To which did not help at all. The cream. It only numbs the outer layer of my skin. Which does help a little. I wish they'd come up with a shot with these ingredients in it so they could try that formula in a shot to see if it works better than the cream. Thank you.

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wes032 25 June 2015

This is a combination cream used primarily in people who suffer from fibromyalgia. The ketamine is a strong narcotic medication used primarily in IV form to sedate but can be used topically to help with strong muscle spasms, etc. The Baclofen is a fairly potent muscle relaxer used primarily orally in either single doses of 10-20mgs every 8hrs PRN. Baclofen should be started at the lowest dose and titrated as needed with daily totals not to exceed 80mgs in a24hr period. Cyclobenzaprine is another muscle relaxant again primarily taken by mouth. Usual dosage would be 10mgs every 12hrs. Bother Baclofen and Cyclobenzaprine can be applied topically again overjoints and muscles to help pain relief and spasms. Diclofenac is an anti-inflammitory that would be used topically to help with inflammation of joints. Gabapentin is a drug used normally again orally to help relieve pain associated with neuralgia.


Leg pain associated with nerve damage from diabetes or other forms of neuralgia's. lidocaine topically again to help with pain that is usually from a source more towards the surface of the skin.
This combination has not been used widely that I've been able to find. Those that have used it associated with fibromyalgia have a mixed opinion as do all drugs. The main limiting factor is that this is a drug that so far must be mixed by a pharmacist and does not come in a ready mixture therefore is fairly expensive.

Votes: +1
Michele_M 15 April 2015

I was prescribed what I think is this same cream for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, an unusual condition that is associated with, although not necessarily caused by, trauma -- something as simple as a sprained ankle can cause this. Like the "new" name says, it's complex, painful, and poorly understood. I believe there is a fairly understandable explanation here, and I belong to the support group here. If you have more questions about RSD/CRPS, I will answer what I know.

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lindagkelly 16 July 2013

I know what some of these are. Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory medicine. It reduces swelling. Gabapentin is used for nerve pain - like if you have nerve pain in your legs from a pinched nerve. It really helps me. I don't know about Lidocaine lotion, but I do use the Lidocaine patches. I'm allowed to use up to 3 patches in 3 different areas. They are like magic. I put a patch on a painful area - such as the middle of my lower back, and when I wake up the pain is gone. It is great because it is not a narcotic.

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