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Bismuth Formic Iodide - Where can I buy BFI powder?


unique2 12 Aug 2015

This was removed from the marketplace because it was accepted as GREAT since just after WWI and as of 2013 was challenged by the FDA as dangerous and ineffective after much lobbying by the drug companies who prefer offering antibiotic powders and ointments instead of more basic homeopathic ingredients. It is a shame that this HIGHEST QUALITY SURGICAL POWDER pioneered by Merck and Co. and lastly produced and sold by Numarklabs of N.J. has been outlawed much in 'the same way as Mercuric Oxide Opthalmic Ointment was replaced by Erythromycin for 3X the price and of less effect than the original product for eyecare. BFI will be greatly missed by those who used it and knew how good it was. Much better than talc powders as well as being sterile and soothing and calming of many wounds and skin conditions. This was extensively used during WWII and Korea and Viet Nam by our military doctors as well as very popular in the operating rooms of the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's and into the 1980's after which it was replaced by much less effective antibiotic powders that didn't come close to the power and effectiveness of BFI. Too Bad. Too Sad. - D.K.A./NYC Medic US Army during Viet Nam Era.

Votes: +2
JConway83 17 Dec 2014

I haven't seen this in a store in a long time, however a quick Google search for BFI powder came up with many places it is available for purchase online, Amazon being one and OTCmeds being another. I remember my grandmother using it on my cuts and scrapes and have never found any in a physical store to use on my kids scrapes over the past 10yrs.

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