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What is the best relief for hip joint pain?

8 Answers

Rhonda nell 27 Jan 2017

I have had lower back surgery years ago and still have some pain but for the last 2 months my right hip has caused me light pain but today it is hurting so bad outside hip running down toward my knee. I've tried heat now have switched to ice packs there any suggestions I can try to ease pain up can hardly walk.

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ukliz 20 May 2012

Hi, I had horrible pain in my left hip and last November I had my first injection of steroids into the joint, I was about a nine out of 10 before the injection and I had no pain after. This lasted for 2 months and then I was in a lot of pain again, the doctor wanted to do surgery to look into the joint but I wasn't keen on that and wanted to give the injection again. I had both hips done this time last month, and so far no pain in the right but small amount in the left. There was another medication suggested by the doctor which she said could be done with the steroid one but my insurance rejected it because it is only FDA approved for the knee joint not the hips, it is called Synvisc it has done wonders for knee pain. You might want to ask if anyone has had this medication given to them and what the results were, because if your pain is so intense it might be worth having to pay out of pocket and give this drug a try.


just a thought, but always remember drugs can act differently from one person to another only you can make the choice as to weather you want to try the drug. Hope this helps a little, Liz.

Votes: +1
Lisa01 20 May 2012

I had the Synvisc shots in my knee before I finally had to have it replaced. At that time they came in a set of three, one per week. It's an almost gel-like substance that forms a cushion in the joint. The first round was great, lasted about a year. The second round lasted about six months, and the third lasted less than two months. But they did buy me an extra two years before having to have the replacement. They're currently working on FDA approval for the shots to be used on the shoulder joint, which would be wonderful. I've also had numerous cortisone shots in my knees and shoulders, and yes, they are very helpful. The only problem is that the cortisone breaks down the very tissue that the arthritis is already eating away. So most doctors won't give you very many because they'll end up working against you rather than for you. Like some of the others, heat works best for me, while ice just seems to aggravate the problem. I wish I had the magic answer for you, but unfortunately I don't. Best of luck to you!

Inactive 20 May 2012

What does your doctor suggest? People can write novels about what works for them, but we don't have a crystal ball to see your DX. What some people are suggesting could be very detrimental to your condition, and make you look like an idiot, drug seeking person to your doctor! Do you have arthritis and if what kind? Is it muscle spams from your back, and if so, what is wrong with your back? I hope that you understand why I am questioning you like this, because this is not site to take the place of a doctor who actually knows what is wrong with you. People could be giving you advice about what works for them, that could actually hurt you! If you are looking for medication suggestions, again start with your doctor, and then ask from there. If you read the rules for the question, it does say "add as MUCH detail as possible". Your question is very vague.

Best of luck to you, and please add details!!

Votes: +0
Inactive 20 May 2012

Hi Ellen. I believe he has osteoarthritis from the group he listed... Mary

Inactive 21 May 2012

Thanks,, Mary

Inactive 20 May 2012

Hello georgem, & welcome to the site. I can totally relate to your pain as I have severe osteoarthritis in every joint in my body (yes every). I also have severe osetoporosis of which I take Forteo shots to build up the bone. These two diseases usually go hand in hand, but doesn't necessarily mean you have both, just curious.I find heat works best for me, but they reccomend just 20 minutes at a time, & alternate between heat & ice. I personally can't stand the ice, so I live on a heating pad. A cortisone shot may give you great relief as suggested, but if you are in so much pain it is affecting your ability to get around, you may be looking at a hip replacement sooner than later. As the other Mary stated, it's kind of scarey, but no more pain? What more could you ask for. Sounds like a plan if all else fails. I would opt for a body trans- plant if I could, but unfortunately that's not in the works yet! I wish you the best...

Votes: +0
Delila 20 May 2012

Hi, long term Glucosamine and Chondroitin(sp?) are excellent for arthritis/osteoarthritis if that is what you have? As Kaismama has said, NSAIDs are commonly used for hip/joint pain. My father recently had a hip replacement, but before this was done, he saw a physiotherapist who gave him exercises to do at home every day. Keeping as active as possible will help. Also hydrotherapy can be very helpful.

Votes: +2
balbanese 19 May 2012

Usually a cortisone shot, but a Dr with complete knowledge of your condition is the one to ask. Hope this helps.

Votes: +1
HeadStarter 19 May 2012

Hi georgemg ~

How bad is your hip??? Have you been given a "degree" yet for level of deterioration? I am wondering if a cortisone injection would work for a bit. I have had those before. I finally had to get a full hip replacement which is what I am recovering from now... mine was done Feb. 21 of this year. I was told I had "end stage" osteoarthritis and that was the end of that. Hip replacement was the only option that was going to take care of the pain through my groin and radiating down into my knee. That is now gone so I feel a lot better. Now I have to fully recover because the other hip is already at the "severe" stage and not getting better so it will be done around Feb. of next year.


So, cortisone injection could relieve some pain. I didn't have any luck with the anti-inflammatory meds BUT you might. I just don't know how bad your hip is. Mobic had been prescribed for me before it was determined I actually needed a hip replacement.

I hope this has helped you and please provide a bit more information if you can.


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HeadStarter 19 May 2012

I forgot the obvious answer here:

1. Heating pads on the affected side
2. Ice packs or gel packs to numb the area

I also find that using a heated pool for aquatherapy or hydrotherapy works well, too.


kaismama 19 May 2012

How's it going with your new hip Mary? I like to hear when someone does well with them.

HeadStarter 19 May 2012

Thanks for asking... I am used to it now but still in physical therapy. I don't have the best range of motion yet BUT it is getting there. I don't have the pain that I used to have and that is just AWESOME!!!

I was misdiagnosed and ended up with an implant in my back first. The neuromodulator stimulator thing. That has done wonders for my back so I can sleep. But then the doctor who did that surgery did a hip study because of the ongoing pain issues in my hip and groin radiating down into my knee. That is when they discovered I actually had major hip issues.

To say the least, I was P.O. and left that practice after my doctor referred me to their joint guy. I also got a second opinion and he was the doctor I stuck with. It is simply amazing now!!! I just need the other side done after I completely heal from this one.


kaismama 19 May 2012

that's great. They say it takes a full year for total recovery but sounds like you've got the attitude to do it.

Patiently Waiting 20 May 2012

Agree with yall! My boyfriend gets the cortisone in his knees, he done so good walking after that. :) Its was a huge blessing for us because he still was trying to work. Cortisone! I highly recommend it. He literally was jumping around like a little kid.. probably not wise but he was so energized by the shot he couldn't help it. Wish you the best and it might could buy you a little time before replacing.

123becku 23 May 2012

The same thing occurred with both my knees Mary. Tons of physiotherapy helped afterwards and I expanded my own exercising. Ice on one knee somehow relieves pain in both legs. Ice is a miracle drug.

kaismama 19 May 2012

NSAIDS are the drugs of choice with osteoarthritis. Have you tried taking glucosamine? Icing an inflammed joint sometimes helps. Sometimes its heat, that's a matter of trying and finding out. Opiates are used if nothing else helps. Sometimes a hip replacement is the only answer.

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osteoarthritis, pain

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