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Does bactrim work for bladder or kidney infections?


mamagori11a 26 Sep 2014

I have Medullary Sponge Kidney, which is the way doctors describe "chronic kidney stones." As a result I quite often have kidney infections, and sometimes bladder infections if I don't get treatment soon enough. Bactrim is the best medication I have found to treat both. Just make sure you are drinking A LOT OF WATER with this medication. And as noted with the prescription, don't take it on an empty stomach. Not only has it worked for my kidney infections, but it also has cleared up all three when I had them all (Kidney Infection, Bladder Infection, UTI).

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kaismama 24 Sep 2014

Its usually the drug of choice. Don't treat it yourself tho, because if you have some hanging around from the last infection you do not have enough to take a full course. You shouldn't have any left over because you're supposed to take them all when they are prescribed.

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bactrim, urinary tract infection, infections, kidney infections, bladder, kidney

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