I'm 71 yrs old and in May 2013, I had double knee replacements. My knees feel like when your hand falls asleep and it's waking up. Kind of numb and yet not numb. What bothers me most is the back of my knees. I can't stand anything to touch them and just sitting down and the back of my knees touch the material of the seat, is just almost unbearable. I have to sit with my knees bent up. Can't sleep with blankets touching them either. I went to my orthopedic several times about this and it seems, he never heard of this problem before. He prescribed different gel scripts, also a compound medication to rub on them. Still no relief. I went to second orthopedic for another opinion and he also has not heard of my problem. He did, however, take x rays of my both knees and assured me they are fine. Sure, when I walk, I have no problem because for the most part nothing is really close to the skin on the back of my knees. I am so frustrated, because it seems anyone I talk to who has had knee replacements, hasn't had my problem. I guess what I want to know is, has anyone else had my problem? Because frankly, I feel like people are thinking I'm crazy and I just want some validation to what I am feeling and experiencing.