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Atropine/Diphenoxylate - Can you get high off of this? serious question for my studies?


Delila 11 Jan 2013

Hi, i found the following information interesting, hopefully you will too...

"Diphenoxylate is potentially a recreational opiate and can be used as such, however when combined with Atropine as is the case in Lomotil when taken in high doses the following adverse effects occur. Diphenoxylate is chemically similar to Pethidine (AKA Demerol)

ventricular fibrillation, supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia, giddiness, nausea, blurred vision, loss of balance, dilated pupils, photophobia, and possibly, confusion, hallucinations and excitation. These latter effects are due to the fact that atropine is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Because of the hallucinogenic properties, some have used the drug recreationally, though this is very dangerous.

The recreational effects of Atropine are similar to using large amount of any of the other anti-chlolegenic drugs that act as deliriants. It should be warned that using these drug for recreational purposes can possibly induce Terrifying realistic Nightmarelike hallucinations".

Votes: +1
greg419 11 Jan 2013

Thank you and I appreciate all the information as well free discount card

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