SALICYLATE - it’s multi names, sources, and uses

The active ingredient of salicin is called salicylic acid and is marketed as aspirin.

Salicylate is found in the plant kingdom (occurring in: vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices and in other plants, as a naturally occurring preservative or insecticide, protecting plants and elongating their life span. Salicylate in all but the most negligible levels can be a medical emergency for some people.

It’s found manufactured in: medicines (pills, ointments, inhalers, injectables, supplements, etc), and is also used in solvents, flavorings, perfumes, cleaning and personal care products, etc. Most hypoallergenic items, and those with colors or scents, contain salicylate.

Salicylate is gotten into the system by absorbing it through the skin, inhaling it, consuming it, or having it injected into the body via a medication.

Salicylate acid is known by many names, not just salicylate or variations of this name. It can be found listed under common names, latin names, or chemical names. All names in the ingredient panel need to be cross referenced with salicylate to be safe. Ingredients constantly change as well, so what is safe one day is dangerous another. Lists of salicylate acids various names can be found on line, being many pages in length. It is best to contact manufactures as not all names are listed on ingredient panels, and some ingredients are understood, or secret, and thus not noted in the ingredient information on the container(s).

To avoid salicylate acid as much as possible one needs to check the questioned product in all aspects, not just the obvious ingredients but the active and non-active ingredients. Please check the: additives, fillers, binders, colors, tartrazine, antioxidants, herbs, pectin, flavors and fragrances, source of gel capsules, and the preservatives BHA, BHT, TBHQ, benzoate, etc. Vitamins A D and E can be used as a preservative and are considered safe by many, but they may contain salicylate as preservatives in their make-up and not be as safe and one thinks.

From various sources, and the school of hard knocks - always seek trained medical help.