I have been taking Lamictal for over a year now. My dose was originally 200 mg, but, with my full approval, my doc recently moved it up to 300 mg. I had been taking the round, white 200 mg tablets which I was breaking in half to equal 300. I wish I had more info on the pill, but I don't have any left. I filled a new script yesterday and the pharmacy gave me the pink-ish, oblong 200 mg tabs (marked C 152). I took my usual daily dose (1.5; 300 mg) and it knocked me out! I slept all day! I never had a problem taking the other tablets in the morning with my other meds. Today, I feel a little 'hungover' but I suppose it could be from all of the sleep of the little bit of food I grabbed in the middle of the night when I finally woke up. I am not immediately willing to blame the new pill for either the sleep or I'm feeling hangover today, however, I was curious if anyone had ever had their Lamotrigine switched, and if so, did you experience any different effects?