As of 2010, I have been treated for peptic ulcer disease, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, pancreatitis, Chrons. I am 45, 5'6" and now weigh 96 lbs. I have all organs and suffer from a stomach attack monthly that sends me to the ER every month. The pain is unbearable. I'd rather give birth again. After my last visit to ER, and new tests were performed, several doctors concluded that I was suffering from SMAS AS well. I have had 3 blood transfusions since September 2013; hospitalized several times for 5-8 day stays; saw multiple doctors; had 6 upper GI's in a year.. I can go on about the multiple tests, multiple treatments multiple types of doctors, However, My family practitioner of 11 years moved away and I have been unable to find another caring personable physician. I can not stress enough on how difficult it has been finding good medical care since my disability started in 2013.

I lost my job of 16 years with the County when my symptoms were severe enough enough that I couldn't do it. I began seeing a psychiatrist several years ago, prior to losing my job, for PTSD and anxiety, ADD, and personal reasons.

I would like to have ONE professional tell me if the medications and changes of them could be cause because they never stop my usual regimen while hospitalized nor does any one doctor say the medication may be interfering with the other. My previous doctor handled everything. If I needed to see an internist, he would tell me where to go and then he gave me the results. I didn't get 10 different diagnosis as I do now. I am continuously losing weight and only go to the bathroom twice a month and normally have to use an anime. How embarrassing.
Thank you for your time if you read this. If anyone knows of this or possibly has advice on a test I should have... or just anyone who knows of these problems.. ??