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Does anyone know what a hot pink, square pill with DP imprinted in both sides is?


smmoss 3 June 2017

It's a steroid sold by Dragon pharma. It's Dball 20mg.

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ARC_Dustrailz 17 March 2016

Possibly any other #s or letters? If you type In the color, and shape, and if type in DP if gives you a list of DP's plus a variety of different numbers. It would really help me and help yourself if you new that. No such pill without any # usually 99.99% of pills have letters and numbers. So check it out again to make sure you are not missing numbers. Ok so just looked one more time and something popped up called Yasmin Insert (drug class: contraceptives) found it shown in white but that could be the generic and you found a different manufacturer. Honestly if not sure take it to your doctor to let him do his research since they deal with pharmacy reps on daily basis.

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