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Has anyone experience heart palpitations while on lamotrigine?


WildcatVet 25 March 2021

Hi, MissEK!
"Uncommon (0.1% to 1% of users): Flushing, hypertension, palpitations, postural hypotension, tachycardia"
I myself haven't experienced any side effects with my lamotrigine but it has been reported in some users. Have you just started taking the lamotrigine? Some initial side effects resolve over a few days to several weeks.
They may be benign but you should report them to your doctor for professional advice.

Votes: +0
MissEK 26 March 2021

Thanks Wildcat. I just started the treatment. It's been about 10 days. free discount card

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arrhythmia, lamotrigine, heart

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