I took Zoloft 10 years ago for some severe, debilitating anxiety related to a medical problem.. I got up to 100mg for at least a year, then took 50 for a few years, then 25mg for the last 2 years. I have been anti-depressant free for about 4 years and typically take a valium (2.5mg or 5mg) only for situational anxiety. Maybe 2 or 3 x per month.
I had some unfortunate health issues this fall and figuring out if I had cancer or not took a few months. That is over and eventually turned out fine.
However, 6 weeks ago I started Zoloft 25mg again because my anxiety was up in reaction to the health scare. When I went up to 50mg Zoloft I felt absolutely awful. After 2 weeks of that I went back down to 25mg. After almost 5 weeks of upped anxiety plus insomnia (which I never had before), I switched to Lexapro 5mg. And been on that for 4 days now. I'm suppossed to go up to 10mg but I had another panic attack yesterday. I have been taking more benzo to ease my anxiety and heart palpitations while taking these anti-depressants and I have not slept through the night once in the 6 weeks I've been taking them. I feel like my body is extremely more sensitive to SSRIs now than years ago. I will follow up with my psych in a few days but maybe I should stop taking them or go to Lexapro 2.5? My mind feels mostly ok but my body is reved up. Please help...