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I am allergic to Sulfa. Can I take Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Sulfate and Sodium Sulfate safely?

3 Answers

Ray2281 2 June 2018

My grandmother is allergic to sulfate and she was prescribed sulfate potassium kit can she take it?

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Chyk41 27 April 2017

I'm allergic to sulfa and I'm also allergic to potassium. I suffer extreme rashes from anything containing either. Sulfa and sulfate blister the skin and potassium makes very large burn looking areas. It is best that you take this to your doctor as he is the one who will prescribe the medications. My cardiologist said that if you can see the reactions on your internal skin tissue is far worse and that any skin reaction should not be looked at as topical.

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chuck1957 27 April 2017

Chyk41; Yes your doctor is 100% correct, when you ask a question as serious as this make sure it is clear all you asked here is if I'm allergic to SULFA THEN LISTED THE 3 ITEMS WITH SULFATE SO OF COURSE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO SULFATE NO YOU CAN NOT TAKE ANY OF THE THINGS YOU LISTED YOU HAVE TO CHECK WITH THE DOCTOR THAT KNOWS ALL OF THESE ALLERGIES AND ALWAYS MAKE SURE ANY DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST KNOWS THAT YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO SULFA, AND Sulfates this is on a bunch of medications so this is very important. So please make sure this is all on any of your charts at different doctors or pharmacy and remind them you must be very sensitive be very careful many prescriptions and vitamins etc. Have Sulfate in them and this is not SULFA. So what your doctor is really saying is by the time something brakes out in a rash you should be in the E.R. ROOM TO GET IT TREATED. HOPE THAT IS VERY CLEAR.


AND IF YOU have any other allergies you should have them all listed and on an allergic bracelet or card in your purse. Chuck1957 Anyway Chyk; you can not be too careful when it comes to medication or chemical reactions. best wishes. Chuck

Chyk41 27 April 2017

Hi Chuck1957, I have a very long list of allergies but I live in one of the best places for it. My hospital has put me on a palm scan and the ambulances are fitted with the scan devices for patients like me. I was put on it in case I am unconscious so they will know who is an immediate emergency case. I am classified as critical stable and most be cardiac ready by the time I reach the hospital. Allergies are nothing to take lightly.

chuck1957 27 April 2017

Chyk41; Thanks so much for letting me know about this system. Now I know why it would be easy for you not to list all of those allergies. And I am very sorry dear if I came off wrong in my reply I was a bit upset. Because at the start was just sulfa which you now has nothing to do with the sulfites that are in so many medications. Now it is very clear and I am so happy that you explained this to me I have only heard of one other person that was a customer that had the same thing so you can see my confusion so if you took my reply wrong please forgive me that is not like me. But also many times it's not just the person you are explaining things to it is the people that read it. But I really did love the part about when the rash is outside it can be much more serious than just an itchy rash. I hope with our chat we might have educated others. again I am sorry I don't shoot from the hip like I did to you and I should not of.


That is not me feel free to ask me anything and I try to get back asap. The chemo brain and my eyes have really been hitting me hard at times lately. and it just affects everything. thank you so much to have taken the time to explain how we ended up with this post as we did it means a lot to me that you took the time and I did not upset you too much with my reply I don't try to upset anyone again thanks and I hope you understand my confusion. HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY. chuck1957

Chyk41 27 April 2017

Hi Chuck1957,
No apology needed as you said nothing to offend me. I am a cardiac patient and I had been thinking that a rash was just a rash until my cardiologist informed me otherwise. I have a long list of allergies and far to many for a bracelet. I was letting others know of the system that some medical institutions have regarding patients care. The exchange has been refreshing.

Chyk41 27 April 2017

Hi Chuck1957,
No apology needed as you said nothing to offend me. I am a cardiac patient and I had been thinking that a rash was just a rash until my cardiologist informed me otherwise. I have a long list of allergies and far to many for a bracelet. I was letting others know of the system that some medical institutions have regarding patients care. The exchange has been refreshing.

chuck1957 26 April 2017

Woodbriar; This is a good way to get to know your pharmacist better they should have these on file with your prescription medications or call your doctor but anyway these you can take follow your doctor's directions you are mixing up Sulfate. with sulfa and these are not related in any way but always ask at the pharmacy when you are buying these medications or other antibiotic in place of sulfa.

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allergic reactions, magnesium sulfate, potassium, sodium, magnesium

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