I have high blood pressure and although I am on medication, it still consistently runs high when I visit my dr and gyno and she is no longer comfortable with continuing me on the pill due to the risk of stroke. I am 29, never been pregnant or had children.

My choices were laid out to be either an IUD (she said either kind was fine for me) or the Minipill, which I dont want to take for a few reasons- it's VERY sensitive to timing of taking the pill (I cant just leave the lab bench to go take my pill if I'm in the middle of something) and not as effective as the regular BCP. I'm still unsure about having children so that's not a risk I'm willing to take now and I only use condoms when absolutely necessary (aka taking antibiotics).

Has anyone here transitioned directly from the pill to Mirena? What was your experience? I am reading reviews all over the board, from bleeding for weeks or months to little bleeding at all. Heck I havent ovulated in over 10 years so I'm not sure how I'd handle that all again. I'm anticipating that I may ask my dr for a numbing medication for the insertion part.

I'm kind of leaning towards Mirena because of the lighter/stopping periods but I hadnt heard before about how irregular people's periods can be on it. I had just heard that within the first couple months you could spot irregularly and then I thought you would settle into a schedule and that was it. I'm hesitant with the Paraguard because before I started taking BC, my periods were on the heavy side and lasted a full 7 days, although it was closer to a full 35d cycle (including my week of having a period). That's not a time I'd care to revisit either. What has been anyone's experience? It's hard to tell because people often come out less to report good experiences- it only seems to get people to speak out when something *doesnt* work out well for them and it really seems to be a love it or hate it deal, with hardly any middle ground